Board of Directors

Ang Kok Tian
Ang Kok Tian

Chairman, Managing Director and CEO

Ang Ah Nui
Ang Ah Nui

Deputy Managing Director

Ang Kok Leong
Ang Kok Leong

Executive Director

Andre Yeap Poh Leong
Andre Yeap Poh Leong

Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director

David Hwang Soo Chin
David Hwang Soo Chin

Non-Executive and Lead Independent Director

Tan Sek Khee
Tan Sek Khee

Non-Executive and Independent Director

Our Location

Singapore Yard

19 Pandan Road Singapore 609271

Indonesia Yard (Batam)

Jln Brigjen Katamso Tanjung Uncang 29422 Batam, Indonesia